Here and There: Some Reflections on Translating Arkadii Dragomoshchenko
adam2013-09-13T20:04:31-05:00Context N°20 by Evgeny Pavlov According to Marcel Proust’s oft-cited [...]
Context N°20 by Evgeny Pavlov According to Marcel Proust’s oft-cited [...]
Context N°20 by Przemyslaw Czaplinski The fate of Polish prose [...]
Context N°20 by Goce Smilevski One of the negative consequences [...]
Context N°20 by Shushan Avagyan Shushan Avagyan: Dust is a [...]
Context N°20 by Joos Florquin JOOS FLORQUIN: Louis Paul Boon, [...]
Context N°20 by Céline Bourhis CÉLINE BOURHIS: When and where [...]
Context N°20 by Louis Paul Boon Yes, you’ve got to [...]
Context N°20 by Dumitru Tsepeneag I sat quietly for a [...]
Context N°20 by Witold Gombrowicz All on my own, without [...]
Context N°20 by Michael Pinker Reading Witold Gombrowicz means confronting [...]